Fisher PG (editor). Select topics in dermatology. Vet Clin N Amer Exotic Anim Pract 2013: 523-820.
PubMed ID (PMID): multiple
Reprint: N/A
Comments: The entire September 2013 issue of this journal is devoted to various subjects of exotic animal dermatology. Some articles are likely to be very relevant to veterinary dermatologists and their residents: there are etiology-specific papers (ex: "ectoparasites in small exotic mammals", others are on syndromes (ex: "bumblefoot" in rabbits, rodents and birds) or on common diseases (ex: ovarian cysts in the Guinea pig). As these topics are rarely covered in review papers, this specific issue of this journal is likely to be of great value to individuals seeing exotics and/or residents studying for their examination.
Recommended by: Thierry Olivry, NC State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA