Ravera I, Altet L, Francino O et al. Development of a real-time PCR
to detect Demodex canis DNA in different tissue samples. Parasitology Research 2011; 108: 305-308. Abstract.
PubMed ID (PMID): 20865428
Reprint: L. Ferrer
Comments: This paper reports the development of
a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect Demodex canis DNA. This assay was
successfully tested on canine hair and skin biopsies and showed a high sensitivity. The two main findings of the study are: 1) Demodex DNA was found in nearly 18% of tested healthy dogs samples, which is a much higher number than previously reported in microscopic studies, and 2) Demodex DNA was detected also in non-lesional skin from dogs with demodicosis. In summary, this test could be a useful tool for further investigations on the biology of this mite and on the pathogenesis of canine demodicosis.
Recommended by: Svetlana Belova, Estonian University of Life
Sciences, Tartu, Estonia